Adding/Removing Users

If your subscription supports multiple seats, you can assign/revoke access to those seats. That way, as you hire and dismiss people from your organization you can property give/remove access to Modex. 

To access this administrative tool please follow the steps below:

  1. login to the Owner Account (If you don't know who this is, please reach out to Modex Support). 
  2. Once logged in, click "My Account" -> "Subscription & Billing" in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Once you're on the Subscription & Billing page, click "User Access" on the left.
  4. Once you're on the "User Access" tab, you will be able to see Seats Available, Seats Used, Total Seats, and Invitations sent. Below that, you will be able to invite users to your subscription, see who your existing users, and remove existing user's access. 
  5. To grant someone access to Modex, simply click "Invite Users". You will be taken to a page where you will see your outstanding user invitations and be able invite new users to the platform. To invite new users click "Create Invitation" and enter the user (or multiple users) email addresses. When you click "Send" an email will be sent to the email(s) you provided with a unique link that allows that person to create an account under your subscription. If you need create dozens (or hundreds) of accounts, please contact Modex Support so we can help you with that bulk operation. 

Additional Information: The Account Owner user does not need access to a Modex Recruit seat to administer the subscription. Once your subscription has been created, the Account Owner can login to Modex and revoke their own access. By revoking their access they will not be able to search/filter for loan officers, but they can assign their previously used seat to another user. When the Account Owner logs in in the future, they may be presented with a "Subscription Inactive" error message. Simply bypass that by clicking "My Account" -> "Subscription & Billing" at the top to go to your User Access administration. 

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