Creating Saved Filters

Note: Saved Filters used to be called Candidate Profiles.

Saved Filters can be found on the loan officer filtering page. Saved Filters only apply to loan officers. After you login to your Modex Recruit account, navigate to the loan officer filtering page.

To create a Saved Filter, select your filtering criteria on the left and click the blue "Apply" button on the bottom left of your window. After you have your results, click the three grey dots to the right of the "Apply" button. A pop up will appear.

Name your Saved Filter and select Email Notification to "On" or "Off". By default it is off. The Email Notification function enables monthly emails of new candidates that meet the criteria of this Saved Filter. Once you have named your Saved Filter and selected an option for Email Notification, click "Save". 

You have successfully created a Saved Filter! 

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